Saturday, May 21, 2011

Joy's Sitting Garden

We have finished building the sitting garden for Joy! Finally!  All I need to do is give a second coat of paint to one of the walls and the painting and construction part of the garden will be complete!  We have shoveled sooooo much sand and dirt, it’s not funny!! I think I’ve built some muscle on my arms from so much shoveling!!  I’ve also gotten  lots of sun…I am very tanned, which I like!!  Joy has been great too! She has shoveled sand and dirt for the garden! She is a very active lady that doesn’t complain and is always willing to lend a hand, no matter what the task!

Joy has already begun planting!  She has planted tomatoes, strawberries, green and red bell peppers and cantaloupe.  She is also planning on planting corn, green beans, carrots, onions, cilantro, a jalapeño plant and an Anaheim plant.  The cilantro and the jalapeños so that she can make her favorite, PICO DE GALLO!!  Ever since I taught her how to make it, she has been making it herself..!! And she can eat all of what she makes too!!

The sitting garden is one of our main projects while here in Benson….Done!!


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