Monday, July 25, 2011

Life Is Good!!

Monday, July 25, 2011
Regatta Pointe Marina
Palmetto, Florida

Life is good!!

It seems like forever that I’ve woken up in the morning and looked forward to the whatever life had in store for me.  For so long I use to hate going to bed because I new that a new day was just around the corner.  My life was so governed by the clock…I knew I had to go to bed by if I was to be able to get up at to get ready to go to work.  I planned my life around the clock…and if anything, anything went wrong my life would crumble!  I would get cranky and would be in a bad mood the rest of the day!!  Not a way to live life, right?

Well, that all has changed! Hurrayyyy!!

These days I wake up naturally, slowly…I open one eye, check the light coming in through the portholes…close it back, roll over…sleep for a bit longer…wake up again, stretch, yawnnn…roll over again..and when sleep won’t come anymore…I get up!!  Neat, huh?  Of course by the time I wake up, Keith has been up for a while..drinking his coffee, filling out his log book and planning his projects for the day.  Keith of course is more of a morning person then I am.  He’s a morning person and I am a night person! LOL…

Keith fills his day with projects and I fill mine with helping him where I can and keeping the boat cleaned up and our clothes washed.  One of my projects is to make new curtains for the windows.  Mmhhh we went out to Hancock Fabrics and bought the fabric, the same color thread…and even a hand held sewing machine!!  I’ve gotten as far as cutting out the right lengths and even folding the hem of one of the pieces.  That’s as far as I’ve gotten!! LOL…I have this little problem of insecurity…I can see what I need to do in my mind’s eye…and I know I can do it, but doing it, well, it scares me!  Keith keeps telling me that if I do anything wrong that I could redo it.  Anyway, I’ll update you later on how the curtains are turning out!

One of the things I found out was that I have wimpy hands!  I don’t have the strength in my hands that I need!  Maybe as time goes by I will build that strength!!  I needed to sand a part of the floor in the main cabin that was dark and didn’t look quite so good.  I couldn’t really sand the wood floors in the boat really hard…It took me an entire day to sand a small part of it!  But hey, I did try and it looks great…even Keith says so!! 

Living on a boat isn’t easy!  Keith keeps telling me that we have it good right now because we are docked in a marina, we have electricity and water and even cable TV!  Once we are away from a dock and anchored out in the middle of the ocean, river or bay…things are going to change really fast! 

Sooooooooo stay with us…as we not only discover NEW HORIZONS but also discover a new way of living!!!



rae said...

We want pics of the curtains on the windows. They will be beautiful!

Keith Gilman said...

uuummm yeah, I've forgotten to post those up! Let me see where I've stored them and will fo sho put them up...LOL! No laughing though!!

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