Friday, June 24, 2011

The Sailboat

GOOD News!!  We put in an offer for the S2 that we liked!!  The owner came back with a counter offer...we gave him ANOTHER counter offer and he accepted!! 

Keith is going to the office tomorrow at noon to give the 10% and sign the purchase agreement!  We are hoping to take it out on Monday!!  Can't's very exciting!! 

Here are a couple pictures...will write more about it later!!











Raelynn said...

It's beautiful guys! It DOES look roomy! So excited 4 u!

EL said...

Thanks Rae..! We are pretty excited!! Keith is going to go over it tomorrow morning..make sure everything works and that there are no safety issues!! I think it's Cute!! Has a flat TV, microwave and AC!! ;)

JOY said...

Hi Guys,
I agree,it looks alot nicer than I was thinking a boat would be like. I'm very happy for you. Enjoy yourselfs and be safe . my printer still doesn't work so I'm sending your blog to Pastor Larry so he can print out the boat pictures for me.We are all praying for you and we know that God goes with you. Love you , MOM

Anonymous said...

Hi Sister! I've been reading your blogs and both are very brave. I like your boat pictures, hopefully all works out for you and Keith and Max. We miss you and love you. Joanna

EL said...

Jo!! Hi Sister!! So glad to read you..! Thank you so much for your post...makes me feel like SOMEONE in my family cares...Love you too! Bear hug..!!

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